

校友服務Alumni Service

◆實踐電子報Shih Chien E-letter
實踐校友電子報Shih Chien Alumni E-letter 
實踐校訊Shih Chien School News  
校友訊息Alumni Information
就業資訊 Employment Information
     徵才訊息Recruitment Information
     職缺連結Job Vacancy Link

招生資訊Student Recruit Information
◆證明文件與成績單申請  Proving Document and Apply Transcript
      教務處註冊課務一組 -台北校區校友文件申請系統 Alumni Document Application System

◆校園場地租借服務School Rental/Leasing Service
     場地租借事宜/Leasing matter Office of General Affairs/Place Rental

圖書借閱Borrow Books

   實踐大學校友、學員及社區人士借書辦法 :
依「實踐大學圖書館借閱規則 」第三條略以,
According to the guideline of ‘Shih Chien University alumni, student and community library regulation’, you have to complete the application in library the first time you borrow a book. And pay the two thousand margin to cashier section. With the receipt, ID or driver’s license and diploma, you can borrow the book in library.

實踐大學圖書館校外讀者閱覽規則Rules for visitor outside the University:
1. Visitor aged 18 or above may register at the front desk with valid IDs to access the Library. And please be sure to follow the opening hour regulation.
2. Visitor outside the University may read the books in library but are not allow to borrow nor bring their own materials to study in the library.

◆實踐大學進修暨推廣課程享八折優惠Get 20% off for the class at Shih Chien University Continue Education Cente
報名方式How to apply

◆愛校捐款Donate to School
捐款方式說明How to Donate

◆藝文活動免費或優惠Free or special offer for artistic and cultural activities
Ex. Enjoy the music event in school, speeches, corporate visit with special price for alumni etc. Actual offer please check out the announcement.

◆畢業後境外就業計畫 Plans for working abroad after graduate

實踐大學校園紀念品Shih Chien University Souvenir

◆協尋校友Help find alumni
校友資料通訊更新  詳情 Update alumni’s contact information

◆搭乘高鐵可至企業客戶專屬櫃檯快速取票 詳情Get your high speed rail ticket faster at the enterprise dedicated counters


校友聯絡Contact Alumni

地  址:(104)臺北市大直街70號 實踐大學G棟2樓 職涯發展暨校友服務組
電  話:(02)2538-1111分機3511-3517

Contact Us

Address: 2F., No.70-G building, Dazhi St., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104, career development and alumni service department
Tel: +886 2-2538-1111 ext. 3511-3517
Fax: +886 2-2533-2711

實踐大學校友服務網 Facebook粉絲專頁
Shih Chien University Alumni Service Facebook page

